Homework and Classcharts
ClassCharts is an online system which staff use to record pupils’ achievement and behaviour as well as home learning throughout the school day. We will also use Classcharts to share important announcements with you about school events or information regarding your child.
As a parent or carer of a child in Katherine Warington School, you will be automatically enrolled with a Class Charts account at the start of term in September. You will have full access to all communication in regards to recognitions and consequences about your child. In order for this to take place, we will share the contact email address you have provided us with Class Charts, for the sole purpose of school communication, and will not be used for any other purposes.
We recommend that all parents and pupils use the ClassCharts app to access information or log in using the website below.
Links to mobile phone apps are also available to parents from this page. If you have more than one child in the school then you can enter additional codes once you have created an account and are logged in. This should be completed on the app.
ClassCharts can be accessed through the website or via the parental app that can be downloaded to your smartphone. This will allow you to view achievement and behaviour data in real-time.
A parent guide to using Class Charts can be found by clicking here, or visiting this website: https://www.edukey.co.uk/static/quickstart_guides/Quick_start_for_parents.pdf
The website for Classcharts can be found below:
If you have any questions regarding your login, please contact: admin@kwschool.co.uk
All homework at Katherine Warington School is set through Class Charts, so this is again an important reason to be able to access it. You can look at what homework has been set for your child, and monitor whether they have completed it. It also has information about how long the piece of homework should take to complete.