Home Learning
Home Learning Principles
We follow a set of key principles when setting home learning at Katherine Warington, to ensure any task set is meaningful and has a positive impact on learning.
- Home learning tasks are only set if they truly enhance learning.
- Feedback is essential for any home learning task, and this is always our first consideration when setting a task.
- Many home learning tasks set are focused on the recall of prior learning and expanding our students’ vocabulary (often referencing knowledge organisers). Others will focus on preparation tasks (often referred to as flipped learning) or extending writing.
- At Key Stage 3 Core subjects and languages will set one home learning task per week, other subjects will set between 1 and 3 tasks a half term as appropriate.
- Tasks set are short and focused
- At Key Stage 4 in preparation for GCSEs students will be expected to complete around 2 hours + of home learning per day. Home learning will also incorporate non-examined assessment tasks.
- Teachers set home learning in their own specialist areas which enable students to make the best possible progress.
- The length of each piece and the frequency in setting can be variable. However, all home learning tasks that are set will comply with the principles outlined above and sufficient time will be allocated for their completion.
- All home learning tasks will be outlined on Show My Homework, accessible online by both students and their parents.