Economics A level
Entry requirements
- GCSE Maths Grade 6 or above
- GCSE English Language Grade 6 or above
Course outline
Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Economics A (9ECO)
Theme 1: Introduction to Markets and Market Failure
Theme 2: The UK Economy-performance and policies
Theme 3: Business behaviour and the labour market
Theme 4: A Global perspective
How will I be assessed?
3 exam papers at the end of Year 13
Paper 1 – Markets and Business Behaviour
a. Multiple choice and short written answers
b. Case study-calculations and written answers
c. Choice of 2 essay questions
Paper 2 – National and Global Economy
Same format as Paper 1
Paper 3 – Micro and macroeconomics
Case study and section A &B with longer written answers
Future opportunities
Economics graduates are routinely in the highest top 3 future income earners. All of the larger UK and
international companies employ economists and the skillset required to succeed adapts to any role
requiring a high degree of literacy and numeracy. Economics A Level is a well regarded qualification,
accepted by Oxbridge, Russell group universities and employers.
Who to speak to for more information:
Mr T Smith,