Equality Objectives
Katherine Warington School is committed to the highest ideals in pursuing equality, including:
- Enabling every student to achieve to their full ability and equipping them for adult life as valued and valuable members of the community.
- Treating every student with respect and valuing their individual worth.
- Ensuring that each gender and every minority group and individual enjoys full and equal access to opportunities for advancement and fulfilment.
- Taking the opportunities that diversity affords to enrich the experience of both individuals and the whole school community.
- Identifying and addressing any evidence of inequality or negative attitudes.
In order to sustain our vision of equality, we publish our three main objectives for the next two academic years and are held to account by our Trustees.
- Ensure that our curriculum is broad and represents all aspects of diverse groups with particular regard to a variety of positive representations of protected characteristics within each subject area. Each department will review their curriculum, consider its diversity and breadth of protected characteristic representation and expand the subject curriculum, where required. Introduce this to ‘curriculum dashboard’ meetings with line management. Each department in partnership with the Equality TLR/SLT Lead will review the language used within the curriculum materials and ensure that it is adjusted, if required, to be inclusive and appropriate.
- Identify and reduce prejudice motivated bullying – establish, maintain and present a bullying log, detailing the bullying motivation where it stems from an identified protected characteristic. Monitor the identified perpetrators, where a pattern can be observed, and identify an action plan intended to reduce and eradicate such future behaviour. Regularly review the action plan to see if measurable goals are being achieved and adapt intervention, where required. Present this to governors annually.
- Advance equality of opportunity between students, staff and governors who share protected characteristics with people who do not share them and reduce any differences in student performance or participation, perceived to result from any protected characteristics. Gather data on participation and academic achievement and analyse using protected characteristics as a group identification. Implement actions intended to reduce any disparity if the analysis reveals gaps in equal achievement and participation.