Food Preparation & Nutrition
If you love to cook this is the course for you. The aim is to provide you with an exciting, challenging and stimulating opportunity to understand the important part food plays in everyday life. The course will focus on practical cooking skills and the understanding of nutrition, food provenance and food science.
What is the exam board and specification?
AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition – 8585 Exam Board Link
What will you study?
The Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE combines the principles of food science, nutrition and cooking. It helps you develop cooking techniques, as well as knowledge of food traditions and kitchen safety. The course gives you a range of skills, like planning and organising, working independently, understanding, applying science and creative skills.
The subject is made up of topics such as;
- Food nutrition and health
- Food provenance and choice
- Food preparation skills and cooking
- Food safety
How will you be assessed?
Food Preparation and Nutrition is a linear qualification with 50% external assessment by examination and 50% through non-examined assessment (NEA) assessed by the centre and externally moderated by the exam board.
There are two NEA tasks
1- Food Investigation
2- Food preparation assessment
What qualities do I need to be successful in the subject?
This course is for all students and allows all to develop essential life skills surrounding the topic of food and nutrition. If you are passionate about the food you eat and how to make it you will be a success.
What future opportunities can I have with this subject?
The course can be further studied at A ‘level and degree level. Typical careers include careers in the food preparation industry (butcher/baker), retail industry, chef, catering manager, food scientist, Nutritionist. We also plan to run a Level 3 Food Preperation course in KS5.
Who should I contact for further information?
Speak to Miss Hammond –