Home School Agreement
Last Updated – March 2024
As a school we will:
- provide a safe, caring and disciplined environment and one which motivates students to meet and, where possible, exceed their individual expectations.
- provide challenging, high quality, programmes of teaching, learning and guidance (curricular and extra-curricular) that aim to enhance the knowledge and skills base of our students.
- set regular, appropriate and challenging programmes of home learning.
- provide early warnings about any concerns or problems relating to a student’s work, progress, motivation, behaviour or relationships.
- monitor the progress and development of each child and inform parents of their child’s progress through written reports, consultation evenings or specific interviews.
- keep parents informed about school activities through the calendar of events, the fortnightly newsletters, school website and notices regarding special events.
- provide opportunities for our students and their parents to express their views on school issues.
- implement our school policies to ensure fair treatment and a safe environment for all.
As a family we will:
- encourage our child to make the most of the opportunities offered by the school.
- support and monitor our child’s progress by continuing to talk to them about their learning and achievement in lessons, as well as looking at the quality of their work in their exercise books regularly.
- ensure that our child is always properly equipped for all learning and school work.
- ensure that our child attends school and is punctual to school.
- support our child in completing home learning, coursework and revision for examinations to a high standard.
- support all consultation and information opportunities to demonstrate our clear commitment with the school for our son/daughter’s learning.
- ensure that our child is correctly dressed and well presented for school
- make the school aware of any problems or concerns which might adversely affect the progress, behaviour or happiness of our child.
- comply with the terms of the school’s Attendance Policy.
- support the school’s code of conduct and behaviour, including detentions and internal/external exclusions where appropriate.
- ensure that our child attends detentions on the set date and time.
- support our child in complying with the requirements of all school policies, listed on the school website.
- support the school approach to online safety and not upload or add any text, image, sound or videos that could upset or offend any member of the school community, or bring the school’s name into disrepute.
- ensure that my/our online activity would not cause the school, staff, students or others distress or bring the school community into disrepute.
- support the school’s e-safety policy and help prevent my/our child/children from signing up to services such as Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat if they are underage (13 years plus in most cases).
- I/we will close online accounts if I/we/teachers find that these accounts are active for our underage child/children.
- support the school by ensuring that, even when a situation arises that they may be unhappy with, staff are treated with respect and courtesy at all times when the matter is under discussion or investigation by the school.
As a student I will:
- seek to achieve the highest possible standards in all aspects of my school life.
- try to participate as much as possible in school life and events.
- be polite and respectful to all members of the school community and visitors.
- always be properly equipped for all learning and school work.
- attend school and be punctual.
- follow the rules and expectations of the school.
- maintain high standards of behaviour and appearance within the community, particularly when representing the school, including on the way to and from school.
- maintain high standards of behaviour on public transport or school buses.
- reject any form of discrimination or bullying and abide by the school’s “fair treatment for all” policies.
- respect school property and help keep the school free from litter and graffiti.