Enrichment and tutorials, leadership
At KWSixth we are committed to developing the character of our learners as well as providing an excellent academic experience in lessons. Therefore, a thorough enrichment programme will be in place which allows students to develop a broad range of skills to advantage them in many ways when they leave Katherine Warington. There will be a vast range of enrichment opportunities which our sixth formers will benefit from.
Every student will have the option to commit to one of the following year long courses in order to support their academic study and/or enhance their personal statement, CV or apprenticeship application:
• Arts Award
• Teacher training
• Dragons’ Apprentice
If students would like to opt for a more varied extra curricular experience they can embark on the enrichment carousel programme in which every student will spend one half term on the following:
• Cooking, university prep
• Debating
• Financial management
• Careers session
• Presentation skills, oracy
• Give Back Scheme: (Mentoring of lower school, KS3 reading programme or charity work, visits to local primary schools, KWS radio station work).
There will be the opportunity for students to embark on or continue with the Duke of Edinburgh award.
Our aspiration is that every student becomes a leader and makes a positive difference to our KWS community. Therefore,there will be a range of opportunities for students to become prefects, House and subject leaders and head students who will all be role models for the rest of the school.
Our enrichment, leadership and community-based opportunities add to your academic achievements, enhancing your skillset and versatility. Students at KWSixth enjoy a breadth of experience that supports competitive applications to university, apprenticeship courses and future employment. We offer a wide range of additional activities for you to embrace from sport, music and drama to community and charity based programmes because your next two years are pivotal in developing and embedding your character and values. At KWSixth, we expect full and active participation from our students in such events.
At KWSixth, our senior students develop excellent leadership skills by taking on responsibility for running school and community events, leading teams and acting as mentors and role models for younger students. They also run extra curricular clubs in subjects they enjoy and are passionate about. Our senior students work alongside our exceptional team of staff to drive whole school improvements, lead initiatives and provide greater opportunities for inclusion. Sixth formers will be expected to commit themselves fully to their independent study and enrichment lessons, be role models to our younger students and to make a positive contribution to the school and local community.