Learning at KWS
At Katherine Warington School we provide an inspiring, evidence-informed and Knowledge-Based curriculum for all. The students are placed in mixed ability teaching groups. They are taught in these groups for the majority of their subjects throughout the year. We extend our broad and balanced curriculum further with enrichment opportunities in the form of our ‘Period 7’and club offerings.
“We have studied Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Poetry and WW2 alongside the novel Private Peaceful.”
“We have learnt how to analyse texts and write speeches and letters.”
“We regularly rotate between writing on our Chromebooks and in our books.”
“We have learnt how to write a speech to inform people about certain issues in the world and how they can be changed”
“One lesson a week is a literacy lesson”
“It’s the perfect amount of work and reading.”
“English is full of adventures reading, writing and debating with Mrs Aikman and Mrs McPartlin”
“We learn about the writer’s toolbox (the skills to writing)”
“In Maths we use our Chromebooks a lot and work on lots of different websites like Hegarty and Times Table Rock Stars which are a fun way to learn.”
“Some of the topics we have covered are: algebra, fractions percentages, decimals, we have looked at BIDMAS, shapes, angles and geometry and we have learnt how to do long division and round significant figures”
“In a typical lesson, we answer equations on our Chromebooks or in our exercise books. Also, we do a quick recall before learning new content.”
“Maths is superb as we get to learn new fun calculations with quizzes”
“Maths is brilliant, I love it.”
“The teachers have made it interesting and comfortable so that it is ok to make mistakes as it is from mistakes that we learn.”
“The experiments are awesome.”
“Science is great because in each lesson I learn something new.”
“We use our Chromebooks for research, Kahoot and Quizizz”
“My favourite thing about science is how different each unit is and how it is split into three separate sciences: Chemistry, Biology and Physics”
“We have studied the Planet and Space, Respiration, Fossil fuels, Energy, Plants and Animal Cells”
“We sometimes complete Scientific investigations which are always my favourite part of the lesson.”
“Science is really cool”
“In Geography, we have learnt about Extreme Environments, China, Ecosystems and how to read maps.”
“You use your Chromebook to look at maps as well as researching for new information. My favourite thing is when we need to use google maps and street view.”
“We have learnt about animals and how they adapt, Deserts, China as a whole topic, Biomes, population, map reading skills and lines of latitude and longitude.”
“Geography is fun and we get to learn about what is going on in the world”
“My favourite thing about this subject is looking at different countries around the world”
“We used the VR headsets and saw penguins!”
“We have studied Medieval England, King Henry VIII and Elizabethan England – learning about the Black Death was my favourite”
“I like that you can ask any questions and feel involved.”
“We use our Chromebooks for research”
“We use our Chromebooks and do fun quizzes that our teacher has made for us.”
“My favourite unit is Henry VIII and his break from Rome.”
“We have lots of discussions and debates as a class all about the topic we are focussing on”
“My favourite part about it is when you get to work with a partner and discuss things. We use our Chromebook to look at sources and Knowledge Organisers”
“We watch video clips to help us understand the time period better”
“In R.E we have learnt about different religions, for example, Buddhism and Sikhism”
“A typical lesson entails doing a lot of research on our Chromebooks, sometimes watching videos and discussing the topics with each other in the class.”
“I enjoy when we have debates in the lesson”
“It is interesting to see the differences between all religions”
“We use our Chromebooks for research and Kahoot.”
“It is so rewarding when you get it right.”
“We use our Chromebooks for using different types of language games and apps”
“We learn new vocabulary in every lesson. We have Spanish games and online flashcards.”
“We have learnt how to introduce ourselves, talk about school subjects and our family members.”
“I love learning a new language and all about the Spanish Culture”
“In Spanish, you learn new vocab in order to build phrases and sentences”
“We use our Chromebook for Spanish games and vocabulary videos.”
“A typical lesson would start with recall, then we write down our new key vocabulary, and then we cement this new knowledge through different activity or through language games and apps such as Linguascope and Duolingo”
“In Mandarin, we have learnt Pinyin (this is the name for the sounds made in Chinese writing), and also the characters and how to draw them”
“We have learnt how to greet people, how to describe family members, their ages and birthdays, and also hobbies and numbers.”
“In order to learn the characters, the teacher demonstrates how to draw them (stroke order) on the whiteboard.”
“We are taught how to pronounce the words carefully.”
“We have learnt to count and to write and speak about pets and family members.”
“We have done e-safety and coding.”
“In computing, we have learnt coding, shortcuts and how to use chrome books”
“We learnt about Binary code, Python and took part in a computational thinking competition called Bebras.”
“We use our Chromebooks for most activities, may this be individual work, research or team activities.”
“It has been brilliant discovering coding.”
“Computing is spent by most the lesson finding new and cool stuff about our Chromebooks”
Design Technology
“We have made Ugly Dolls in textiles using different stitching techniques”
“ We use our Chromebooks to complete an online workbook.”
“My highlight this year has been making the Ugly Dolls”
“D.T is very fun as we get to make all sorts of things with lots of different materials.”
“In DT, we will usually use our Chromebooks for inspiration. When we do practical work in DT, we always plan it before doing it.”
“In Art, we have learnt different tones and how to create them”
“This lesson is really fun for me because I love drawing and painting, and Art is my favourite lesson”
“We use our Chromebooks for research on different artists and the work they created”
“We have studied different artists and tried to recreate their work.”
“We have looked at the ‘SteamPunk’ movement which I liked a lot.”
“We use our Art books most lessons to create a piece of art”
“This is a relaxing subject where you can paint, draw and be creative”
“In Art, we study and analyse artwork as well as make paintings and sketches. To start with you will study the Elements of Art”
“We have learnt a lot of new key terminology and about all the different textures, colours, shapes and painting mediums.”
“In Music, we use Song Maker to create our own music and in a typical lesson we use your Chromebooks to go onto the internet to play various instruments.”
“We play real instruments that are projected onto a screen using Garageband. We have learnt about various composers and looked in detail at the Planets by Gustav Holst.”
“In Music review different pieces of music and we get to compose our own music. My two favourite things are when we get to learn a piece on the keyboard or compose on GarageBand.”
“We look at different instruments, composers and music software to discover and enjoy music”
“In Music, we get to explore and play the different instruments on an app called GarageBand. It can make you want to play lots of unusual instruments as I play the bassoon!”
“Using GarageBand in Music is a great way to learn how to read music whilst still having fun”
“We answer quizzes online using our Chromebooks.”
“In this lesson, everyone is having lots of fun performing.”
“My favourite part in a Drama lesson is watching other group’s performances before performing myself with my own group”
“In Drama, we have looked at Greek Theatre, Gothic Horror and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. We have also looked at directing and lighting different scenes”
“We use our Chromebooks to explore different stimulus ideas or to evaluate our performances.”
“In Drama, we sometimes record our performances on the Ipad to watch back and evaluate”
“In Drama, we get into groups to create a short piece of theatre that we later perform to the class. We also look at different Drama techniques.”
“This subject really builds your confidence.”
“We have looked at different dramatic conventions and character techniques”
“This is where you get to practise your public speaking and acting skills. It is great fun!”
“Drama is one of the best subjects. It is very fun creating stories and being a new character and if you want to describe fun learning – well that’s drama.”
“My favourite sport was Tag Rugby”
“In P.E. we usually play different sports from football to dance by first looking at the different techniques we have to use before playing the full game”
“In P.E. we learn about all the different sports and how to play them. We have many pitches to do this on and it is very fun. It’s my favourite subject.”
“We have studied and played football, netball, tag rugby, hockey and benchball. It’s a great lesson and one of my favourites!”