Sociology A level
Sociology is a new and exciting subject which students will have the opportunity to study at KWSixth. The sociology course is both rich and inspiring covering key areas such as crime and deviance, education, the media and the study of important social issues such as poverty and social policies created to bridge the gap of societal inequalities. Students will also have the opportunity to explore important issues such as ethnicity, gender and the study of different cultures always coming back to the primary context of industrialised British society.
Entry requirements
- GCSE English Grade 5 or above
Course content
AQA A level Sociology
Paper 1: Education with research methods in context
• The role & function of the education system
• Educational achievement by social groups (e.g. gender/ethnicity)
• The significance of educational policies.
Paper 2: Topics in Sociology
Part A: Families
Investigating the structure and change of the family. This topic involves the investigation of the family unit, structure, demographics, sociology of personal life and child rearing. It also looks at the sociological explanations and impact of topics such as divorce and domestic violence and how the government may develop certain social policies to bridge the gap between different cohorts of society.
Part B: Media
Students are expected to be familiar with sociological explanations of the new media and their significance for an understanding of the role of the media in contemporary society. the relationship between ownership and control of the media. the media, globalisation and popular culture. There will also be a critical analysis of media representations of age, social class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and disability and the relationship between the media, their content and presentation, and audiences.
Paper 3: Crime and Deviance
• Social order & social control
• Globalisation & crime in contemporary society
• Green crime
• Human Rights & state crime
• Crime control
• Prevention & punishment
• The nature of ‘social facts’
• The relationship between sociology & social policy
How will I be assessed?
3 x 2 hour examinations in summer 2026 from each paper. Each exam paper is worth 33.3% of total marks
Paper 1 – Education with Theory & Methods: 2hours: – 80marks.
Paper 2 – Families & Households with The Media: 2hours – 80marks.
Paper 3 – Crime & Deviance with Theory & Methods: 2hrs – 80marks.
Who to speak to for more information:
Ms A. Khaliq,