Please click here to view our school’s anti-bullying policy.
Supporting students to recognise and report bullying is a key aspect of safeguarding at KWS. Please see below for some information about how we help students to tackle bullying.
Bully Free Form Status
Each year our Year 7 students complete ‘Bully-Free Form.’
What is a Bully-Free Form?
- They understand what bullying is
- They have agreed what they will do if bullying happens
- They have agreed to (and signed) a Form Pledge and understand what it means
What do forms need to do?
Each form needs to create:
- A form pledge
- A form display (in the form room) to show the work undertaken
- A form journal – case studies of bullying
- A definition about cyber bullying and its effects
Why do we apply for Bully-Free form status?
Each form can apply to be awarded with the Bully‐Free Form Status. This does not mean there will never be any conflict or incidences of bullying, but it does mean that when there is, the students within the form are willing to sort out the problem. This solution can be tackled in the following ways and using the school’s Anti Bullying Policy to guide them:
- With the form tutor as a mediator
- If the problem is more serious, supporting the students to come and seek advice with their form tutor/Head of Year.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors & Diana Award
Each year our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors complete and participate in the Diana Award. Supported by HRH The Duke of Cambridge, The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Campaign engages young people, parents and teachers to change the attitudes, behaviour and culture of bullying by building skills and confidence to address different situations, both online and offline.
Our anti-bullying ambassadors (under the supervision of our pastoral team) are here to be proactive in promoting our school Character Values of Knowledge, Wellbeing and Success. Therefore, our school community can be educated on the bullying issues that may be faced by students and look after each other to create a successful school environment where all students are supported to fulfil their full potential and have the confidence to be themselves.
Other Activities:
- Year 10 GCSE Drama Theatre in Education performances to Year 7 (focus on bullying/positive relationships)
- Friendship Club for Y7 & 8 (led by Prefects)
- Mental Health Ambassadors (Y10 students trained to support younger students)
Concerned your child is being bullied?
Please make sure you encourage your child to speak to their form tutor. If things cannot be resolved, approach your child’s form tutor or Head of Year.
Students are always empowered to inform members of staff. If they don’t feel comfortable doing this, they can report bullying through this email address Emails to this address are checked on a daily basis by our safeguarding team.