Curriculum Overview
At Katherine Warington School we provide an inspiring, evidence-informed and Knowledge-Based curriculum for all.
- Provide all students, regardless of ability, gender, ethnicity or social background, with access to the knowledge and skills to enable them to interpret a changing world and thrive within it
- Enable our students to taste success early on as well as build aspiration and resilience to push for further successes, both academically and personally.
- Embracing high challenge content and vocabulary, supporting students in becoming articulate, informed young people who can participate with and compete against the very best in whatever their chosen field.
- Provide a vast array of educational opportunities and enjoyable activities, enabling all students to develop their mind, body and soul to the full.
- Offer opportunities for our students to regularly make choices and personalise their curriculum.
- Cultivate a community that celebrates and values the successes of others.
- Encourage our students to actively collaborate and contribute to shaping our world.
- Seek to instil in all students an intrinsic love of learning
- Strive to understand and apply the latest educational research into the context of our school, for the greatest possible benefit of our students.
- Utilise developments in cognitive science to maximise learning for every one of our students.
- Build on best practice and traditional academic values of the three existing Harpenden secondary schools.
- Embrace technological innovations that add real value to teaching and learning.
- Providing feedback in various forms that is effective in supporting learning (an alteration in long-term memory).
- Deliver a robust and engaging curriculum, in which knowledge itself is valued and celebrated.
- A clear curriculum outlining specifically what knowledge will be retained to ensure long-term learning over short term performance.
- Develop a deep understanding and ability to apply powerful knowledge, enabling our students to become dynamic, successful individuals.
- Conveying the importance of shared learning whilst fostering a spirit of enquiry and creativity.
The Curriculum:
The school week is divided into 29 teaching periods, each 50 minutes long. We also have tutor time each day and our unique ‘Period 7’ that runs Monday to Thursday.
Within the framework of the national curriculum, our school delivers an inclusive and personalised school curriculum that is designed to stretch and challenge our students. For students with special educational needs or disabilities we work to ensure the best possible support is provided. Our curriculum is designed to give all pupils the knowledge they need to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in later life.
Topics required by the National Curriculum, but not covered in specific lessons, e.g. Relationships, Sex and Health Education, citizenship and careers, are delivered in a variety of ways. In Years 7 to 11 they are taught in weekly PSHCE lessons and as part of National Curriculum subjects such as English, science, history, PRE, and physical education. There are also regular specialist workshops with outside speakers calendared throughout the year.
Year 7 & 8 (Key Stage 3)
The students are placed in mixed attainment teaching groups. They are taught in these groups for the majority of their subjects throughout the year. We extend ourbroad and balanced curriculum further with enrichment opportunities in the form of our ‘Period 7’and club offerings.
Students study time is allocated as follows:
Year 9
Year 9 is a bridging year at KWS as students begin their KS4 journey. Students have a mixture of core subjects (compulsory) and three option subjects with a focus in Year 9 on GCSE skills rather than GCSE content. The option choices are made towards the end of Year 8 and students have several opportunities across year 9 to change options if they wish to.
All students study GCSEs in English language, English literature, maths, science & religious education). PSHCE is taught through GCSE PRE. Students continue to participate in physical education lessons.
We maintain our broad and balanced curriculum in Year 9 with enrichment opportunities in the form of our ‘Period 7’, clubs and our timetabled ‘Carousel’ lesson. ‘Period 7’ and club opportunities include a history club, eco committee, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award, spanish and french languages, drawing chinese characters, a number of international film clubs and a wide range of performing arts – from being involved in productions or the vocal group, though to peripatetic lessons and opportunities to work backstage.
Our Carousel exposes students to 6 different educational experiences that include; art, music, cultural studies, drama/oracy and technology. Students then work on a research project and produce a final piece of work that is submitted for assessment towards the KWS Arts, Society and Culture award. More details on the award can be found here.
Students study time is allocated as follows in Year 9.
Year 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4)
In Years 10 & 11 the Carousel lesson is replaced with an additional Science lesson, whether students are studying for the combined award or triple science.
All students study GCSEs in English language, English literature, maths, science & religious education) and their agreed options continue from Year 9. PSHCE is taught through GCSE PRE. Students continue to participate in physical education lessons.
Period 7 in Year 10 includes a weekly session focused on developing Community, Careers and Study Skills, with more time then devoted to independent study in Year 11.