KWSixth is a member of the existing sixth form consortium across Harpenden which includes Roundwood Park School, St George’s and Sir John Lawes. This collaboration exists to maximise the subject offering available to all students who decide to study in Harpenden. Students are able to study an increased range of subjects by attending another school for one of their choices.
Currently the following courses are on offer at Roundwood Park (RPS) or St George’s (STG) or Sir John Lawes (SJL) that are not available at KWSixth:
Health and Social Care (BTEC) at Roundwood Park School;
ICT (BTEC) at Roundwood Park School;
German at Sir John Lawes;
Media Studies at Sir John Lawes;
Politics at St George’s.
Please be aware that the timetables for the four schools do not align exactly, resulting in you arriving late and/or leaving early from consortium lessons. Three of the schools, including KWSixth, endeavour to facilitate transport between the schools for consortium lessons.
All students who elect to study a Harpenden Consortium subject are expected to commit to the academic standards and discipline policies set by their Consortium School in order to thrive in their chosen subject. In addition, it should be noted that:
- Students are required to attend the Consortium School’s lessons even if their Home School has a different arrangement (such as an Inset Day, early closure, different term dates etc).
- Students are required to register their attendance by signing in and out at the Consortium School. This is especially important for health and safety reasons. Students must catch up on any missed work.
- Students are expected to ensure that they arrange a parental consultation at the Consortium School’s Parents’ Evening.
- Students must comply with the current policy on the Acceptable Use of the Computer System at the Harpenden Consortium Schools.
- Students are expected to maintain a smart appearance, in accordance with the Consortium Schools Dress Code/Uniform Rules.
- Students should ensure that they make themselves aware of the Fire Evacuation, Lockdown and other relevant emergency procedures at the Consortium School.
Whilst the Consortium Schools exchange key data, parents should ensure that they contact the Data Manager at the Consortium School so that any special and/or medical requirements are immediately recorded on the student’s record. Consortium students and parents must comply with the Harpenden Consortium Schools General Expectations Agreement.