Transition into Year 12
Now you have made the decision to join KWSixth, all accepted students are expected to complete some introductory preparation / transition work for the subjects they will be studying. You have an expectation of your chosen subjects and the level of challenge involved in studying them post 16 from attending the range of post-16 information events and from speaking to subject staff.
A significant change from your previous experience in education is that your timetable will not be full of face to face lessons. Instead, you will be expected to do extensive independent study. This transition work is your first aspect of independent learning.
Booklet and activities to follow…
Once we have provided a link, please download the booklet and complete the activities and tasks for the subjects you have selected. Work should be completed and ready for submission in the first lesson in September. Subject lessons will start from the position that all students have finished the preparatory work and that learning will not be readdressed. Please do not begin your post 16 journey by being disadvantaged through a lack of application. If you have any issues accessing the work via the links provided, email the sixth form team at:
For study habits and recommendations please click here