End of Year Exams 2023
/in Whole School/by Keris McCormickStudents in Years 7 – 9 will be sitting end of year exams during our exam week Monday 12th June – Friday 16th June. These exams are an opportunity to consolidate knowledge gained throughout the year, practise revision skills, to identify gaps in learning, to show progress in subjects and to experience sitting exams in large groups.
Exam week timetables will be available via student’s Form’s Google Classroom. And are available using the links below.
Students will have an assembly from Mr Martin, when they return after half term, regarding the logistics of end of year exams and how to look after themselves during this period. We have also produced a KWS Revision guide to support how best to revise. We recommend parents and carers to review these documents with their child.
Preparing for exams Assembly 2023
Here at Katherine Warington School we try to teach students that revision must be active to be efficient. Many students incorrectly assume that revision means reading through their exercise book or textbook once or twice and that this will be sufficient to remember and understand the detail. Students are currently having a number of Form sessions reviewing the science of revision. The links to the first two Loom videos created for this are below:
Preparing for end of year exams, step 1
Preparing for end of year exams, step 2 (using the KWS memory clock)
Specific information regarding the content of exams and how students can best prepare for these will be available from individual subject areas in advance of each exam. Staff are only too happy to help with any issues and we recommend students talk to their teachers, form tutor, head of year or the pastoral team (including our in-school counsellors) if they need any support or advice.
Enjoy revising!
Behind The Scenes in DT
/in Whole School/by Chrissy DicksThe Design & Technology workshops have been a lively hub of designing, modelling and making over the past few months. We’d love to share a snapshot of our projects – please click through to see some examples of well executed and thoughtful student work.
Year 7 Mobile Phone Holders – learning to make with wood and acrylic.
Year 8 Aboriginal Tote Bags – exploring aboriginal art with sewing machines and acrylic paints.
Year 8 Climate Change Keyrings – recycling and reworking bottle tops to promote a greener future.
Year 9 Desk Tidies – your workspace re-imagined with CAD.
Year 10 Learning Through Play – objects to inspire our youngest generation.
HfL Maths Challenge
/in Whole School/by Keris McCormickCongratulations to Gabriella D, Sofia D, Lucy U, Matilde B-E, Joel D, Henry G, Joseph L and Archie W who competed in the Herts for Learning Year 8 Maths Challenge on Tuesday 9th May. Â
This Maths challenge is a team event in which students compete virtually with other schools from Hertfordshire to gain points across four rounds, including an estimation and a memory round. The challenge certainly brought out the competitive spirit in our Year 8s who were incredibly focused, collaborative and resourceful. Their scores were very impressive, with them placing 6th and 8th in their heat, but unfortunately, neither of our teams scored high enough to make it to the finals.
We are extremely proud of their efforts and look forward to competing again next year.
Miss Caplin