Period 7 in full swing
It has been fabulous to see our Autumn Block of Period 7 already in full swing, there is such a buzz if you walk around the school during it – so much to see and so many smiles!
We have new options including football skills, girls football, video game maker and table tennis which are proving to be huge hit. Lots of the old favourites continue to be popular – DofE Skills, Puzzles, Chess and Gardening to name just a few. A key difference this year is having a 6th form and its fantastic to see our Year 12s getting involved in sessions, supporting younger students to do and learn more.
Our Year 11s intervention has started too, with the small group sessions proving to be really productive on Tuesday and Wednesdays, whilst other students have more time for independent study ahead of their November mocks. Year 10 have begun to focus on Careers, Community and Study Skills every Tuesday during Period 7.