Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (PRE)
In PRE we consider both Religion, Philosophy & Ethics. Students explore major questions that humans have asked since the beginning of time, and consider how different religions and frameworks have responded to these questions.
Students will be pushed to ask questions and challenge ideas whilst maintaining respect and tolerance. Through thinking critically about important questions and communicating their own views and reflecting on the views of others, students will see connections between beliefs and actions and will learn to deal with and understand philosophical and ethical problems that exist in the world around them.
All students in Years 7-9 follow the course set by the local Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) and learn to appreciate amazing similarities and fascinating differences in the six major world religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism, as well as more modern or alternative beliefs such as Humanism, Scientology and Mormonism.
In Year 9, pupils study the causes and development of the Holocaust and the effect that unchallenged prejudice can have on society, followed by looking at why evil and suffering exist and how people react to it. Pupils then get the chance to apply analytical and judgment skills through the study of morality in both sport and the world of celebrity, whilst reflecting on what makes a person have their own identity in the modern world.
All pupils study GCSE Religious Studies in Key Stage 4, which further builds on pupils’ knowledge of the world around us through learning to identify and celebrate differences in society.
The Big Picture in PRE
The PRE Journey at KWS
Year 7 – PRE
Autumn Term
- Introduction to PRE, Ultimate Questions, The Golden Rule, Prejudice & Spirituality.
- Islam
Spring Term
- Hinduism
- Sikhism
Summer Term
- Other World Beliefs including Mormonism, Rastafari & Humanism
Throughout Key Stage the Christian group, STEP, are invited in to discuss their views on the topics we study.