Welcome to KWS
Harry welcomes you to KWS
Welcome to KWS! Soon, you will make the move from your primary school to Katherine Warington School and start your secondary school life. Secondary school is certainly very different from primary school, but it’s not actually all that bad. When I first started secondary school, I was honestly fearing the worst, but I needn’t have worried. The teachers were extremely welcoming and on the first day, I was already getting to know people in my form. It became clear to me on the first day that Year 7 was going to be a great year. I could clearly see that all the teachers wanted us to enjoy ourselves and that the teachers aren’t quite as strict as you might have imagined! I also felt that in primary school, secondary school was always made to sound very scary, because of being told off, but it really isn’t that bad!
What makes Katherine Warington Secondary school unique is the fact that it’s still very new and because of this, it makes learning much more modern and technology centred. The building has been designed with education and children in mind, so the KWS learning facilities will be the best in the county, because they are so new! Having new facilities and up to date technology means that by coming to KWS, the equipment will help you to get the best education possible.
Before I started secondary school, I was really worried about making friends, but luckily, I needn’t have worried. The great thing about Year 7 is that everyone is in the same position, so everyone is as keen to make friends as you are. At the beginning of term, we spent a lot of time with our Form, so we already had new friends before we started mixing with other Forms to do our lessons. Though you may not know many other people going to the KWS, don’t worry because most kids know little to no children from their primary school joining them. Of course, don’t be frustrated if you are worried about coming from primary school to secondary school, because everyone else will likely feel the same way.
Finally, get involved! One of the best ways to make friends at KWS and get to know people is to start doing a lunchtime club. There are many activities to choose from; ranging from Football to Basketball to Netball. You can get into your PE kit at lunchtime and start doing a sports club for free. This is a great way to learn a new activity and to make new friends. Don’t forget to remember that the only thing stopping you in a new school is yourself, so don’t be afraid to try something new and try and be as confident as you can.
From Harry.
Jasmine welcomes you to KWS
Welcome to KWS. I understand that you might be thinking that secondary school is a massive scary step in life and it is but it’s really not that bad. Whatever you are worrying about we are here to help. KWS is a lovely school and everyone is unique in their own way. You don’t need to worry about fitting in because at Katherine Warington everyone is so welcoming and friendly.
You might be thinking that it is just different for you than for us in Year 8. But you’re wrong, we have only been at KWS for one year, and it will be delightful having new students with us. We are actually very glad to have new people to go through Secondary School with. And don’t worry about ‘bigger kids’ causing trouble – No one does that here. Also it will be amazing moving into the new school building together.
Secondary school is great. There are different lessons, more friends and you can’t forget going home early on Friday! All the teachers are so kind and helpful and are always there to help.
I can guarantee that you will love KWS and make so many new friends.
Erin welcomes you to KWS
We are all really looking forward to having a new set of students come to our school.
Remember that when you’re starting secondary school that most people will be feeling the same way as you, probably quite nervous but excited at the same time, so make sure you are on the lookout for others who may be in need of a friend too. As I said you will probably all be scared as starting secondary school can seem a bit intimidating but there will be lots of people starting who do not know anyone, so you won’t be alone as lots of people are going through the same situation.
Secondary school is very different from primary school in lots of different ways, the schools are bigger because there are more students and therefore more teachers. But life at secondary school is very enjoyable. There are so many different subjects you will enjoy, there are lots of students so there are lots of opportunities to make new friends and there are loads of teachers who will support you if you need it.
My tips on making friends would be to try and make friends with someone who is by themselves, as it is harder to fit into a group of people who already know each other, but most people will be in need of a new friend. And finally, just be yourself because people will like you for who you are not who you are pretending to be.
Yours sincerely,
Josh welcomes you to KWS
Firstly, WELCOME to KWS! It is the start of a new adventure, and for us it will be great to have your new faces about.
You might feel a little apprehensive about it but you really shouldn’t. Moving on from primary school is a time to remember and you may not be with all your old class, but in no time at all you will make new friends, you will have opportunities to try new sports and get to know everyone. You certainly become a lot more independent from catching the bus to choosing your clubs and Period 7 choices. You really can make the school fit to your personality as we know not everyone is the same.
In a matter of weeks you will be part of the family that is KWS. We look forward to welcoming you in September but first enjoy the summer.
See you soon!
Jahleel welcomes you to KWS
Welcome to KWS!
We are all excited to have more students and a new year group here, and we hope you are excited too.
We are sure that you will enjoy your time here at KWS. You’ll be meeting new people, both students and teachers and you will be welcomed into our community. You will also get to do different subjects that you may not have done at your primary school.
You’ll have many more friendships than before, and you could learn things from them too. You could also socialize on your way home depending on if you take public transport or drive to and from school.
Everyone is excited for all of you to come to KWS. We hope you enjoy being a student at KWS!
Ben welcomes you to KWS
I hope you are looking forward to coming to KWS in September. Secondary school can seem quite daunting, however when you get to know people everything is enjoyable and fine. We are looking forward to when you join, and continue to grow the school community and we all hope you are to.
Secondary school life is great. You get more freedom as well as more responsibility. Everyone is friendly and caring so friendships and socializing should not be a problem. If you are struggling all the teachers are willing to speak to you and to help. At KWS all the facilities are still new which will make your secondary experience even more pleasant and enjoyable. Everyone will have first day nerves, but if you just be yourself then you will fit in right away.
We have created a Year 6 transition web page for you to look at. If you have any concerns about timetable, subjects or a variety of other things then this website should answer your questions and comfort you as you take your first step into life at secondary school.
Best wishes,