Politics A level
Entry requirements
- GCSE English Grade 6 or above
Course outline
In A-Level Politics students learn about how British people and politics collide, what the entire concept of democracy means, and the various forms and ideologies within. They will learn about how these ideas are translated through the role of the UK government, who really makes the decisions that affect our day to day lives, the rules (or lack thereof) in government, and the relative power of the different branches. Finally, they will compare the UK with US politics, which is sometimes considered the ‘beacon of democracy’. This will include the guiding principles of US democracy, its institutions and whether ‘liberty and justice for all’ has been achieved.
A-Level Politics is part of an informal grouping of topics called the ‘Path to Power’ that includes History, Economics, and Philosophy and Ethics.
Course content
Edexcel A Level Politics
UK Politics
• Democracy and political participation
• Political parties
• Electoral systems
• Voting behaviour and the media
• Core political ideas
– Conservatism
– Liberalism
– Socialism
UK Government
• The constitution
• Parliament, Prime Minister, and the relationship between them
• Non-core political ideas (one of):
– Conservatism
– Liberalism
– Socialism
Comparative Politics the USA
• The US Constitution
• Federalism
• Congress
• The Presidency
• Supreme Court and civil rights
• Democracy and participation
• Comparative theories
How will I be assessed?
You will be assessed in three written examinations each worth 1/3 of the qualification:
Who to speak to for more information:
Mr Jack Bowsher, j.bowsher@kwschool.co.uk