The intent of PE within the curriculum at Katherine Warington School is primarily to promote a healthy active lifestyle, a lifelong passion for sport and for all students to recognise the importance of being physically active as a driver to boost self-esteem, building character and general well-being.
We realise that students are all at different stages of their physical development and therefore the curriculum is adapted accordingly. Ultimately, lessons are designed to maximise participation and motivate, as well as develop a positive, persevering and growth mindset whatever the ability level of the student.
Initially, in Key Stage 3, there is a strong focus on mastering core physical education skills, towards a mastery of more complex skills. In Key Stage 4, greater focus is placed on developing tactical understanding of a range of sports to broaden their knowledge. The ultimate goal is that students become competent and confident enough to take on leadership roles and responsibilities in sport and PE, that would replicate career roles in a working environment, such as sports analysts, sport scientists and teachers or coaches.
The PE curriculum includes a range of sports. It is sequential in that sports are revisited year on year, with clear themes identified in similar sports. Explicit links are made between the different sports and consistently build on prior knowledge. Crucial key course content in Key Stage 4 exam PE features in Key Stage 3 lessons, so that students who decide to take PE as an option at Key Stage 4, already have a sound understanding of some of the theory content. Examples of this knowledge include bones and muscles in the body, as well as components of fitness and methods of training. In exam PE (GCSE PE or BTEC), students are exposed to much of the science behind sport, with regular links made to careers in this area and future study opportunities in PE and Sports Science.
Lastly, the PE provision at Katherine Warington School promotes sporting excellence, with the intent to provide clear pathways beyond school for students who are talented or keen to seek careers in sport. To supplement this, students also have multiple opportunities to take part in extra-curricular activities and challenges through Period 7, lunch clubs and external fixtures.
The PE Handbook covers all year groups and can be found below –