On Friday 10th November, all Year 9 students took part in the Tyre Challenge. For this we were given the problem of trying to use tyres in a sustainable and useful way for the community. Each form would get into groups of 3 to 5 and we had a budget of £3000. We had to make a slide show to show our ideas and tell the class the step by step of how we made our project. This included what roles your group have given to you, which were group leader, fianance and designer. We also had to design a logo to represent our company/ ideas and tell why we had put certain things in. We also had to explain in our presentation why our idea was useful to the community and we had to explain the financial aspect of the idea, breaking down what we are buying and why. When finished we were asked questions by a visitor from industry, Liz Redway, who came in and asked us about the company, which was really good feedback. Overall it was a very good thing to do which helped with our oracy skills, teamwork and budgeting, which are all good building blocks for life. It was a such a great experience and something that can be applied in anything. I had so much fun and would strongly recommend this is for next years Year 9.
By Tabitha P (9 Tesla)