Mock Results Day
On Thursday 5th December, Year 11 received the results from the mocks exams which they sat in November. The students had a presentation from Mr Livesey Jones, Mrs Stockwell and some KWSixth students about the importance of the next few months ahead, and how to use these results positively. The year 11 students were then given an envelope and the opening commenced with much excitement. There were some fantastic results with many students getting very high grades and the vast majority making significant progress since their last exams.
We were so proud of how this cohort demonstrated the three Rs, not only throughout the mock exam periods but also during the results day. It was a pleasure to see students supporting each other practically and emotionally, and being genuinely pleased for each other. Afterwards, the Year 11s had a chance to reflect on their achievements and plan for the next crucial few months. This was evidenced at parents’ evening the following week which had a brilliant turn out and gave students and parents a chance to discuss next steps with their subject teachers.
We look forward to celebrating even more successes with this year group and welcoming many of them back to KWSixth.