STEM Update
STEM update
It has been a busy first term across the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) subjects. Students from all 4 year groups attended 3 STEM ambassador career talks online. A STEM ambassador is a volunteer from industry and academia who work, study or research in a STEM field. They talked about what they do, told students about the opportunities for someone starting in business, how technology has changed the industry and a bit about the future.
The entirety of Year 10 participated in a non-curriculum day led by EDT (Engineering Development Trust) in partnership with ARUP as part of the ‘Industrial Cadets’ campaign. As the day focussed on the circular economy – how sustainability can be integrated into the very heart of design and development. Our current (linear) economy focuses on extracting materials from the earth that will ultimately end as waste. By contrast, a circular economy aims to eliminate waste by preventing it being produced in the first place or reusing the waste created. Every student will receive the Industrial Cadets Challenger award for their efforts.
The students completed various workshops which culminated with the task of designing a sustainable dwelling or city – with the circular economy central to the design. Teams then pitched their ideas to the rest of the group – a selection of the best designs are below:
Our fledgling STEM club is going from strength to strength, the predominantly Year 7 and Year 8 teams are progressing well with their Discovery CREST award and are building towards their group presentations just before February half-term.
Year 7 have been wowing their teachers with their enthusiasm for the subject, this is never clearer than during the cell model project. A popular project completed by every Year 7 pupil, the task is to create a 3D animal or plant cell (both if you are feeling really adventurous!) that can be displayed in the classrooms. Recognitions are awarded for creativity, accuracy and effort – a selection of the best projects are below:
Excellent work Alisha, Jess N-C, Azaan and Sidney – keep up the excellent work!
Not to be outdone, Year 8 have also magnificently risen to the challenge with their space projects. Students were tasked with creating a poster or display all about the solar system. Students could be as ambitious as they wanted with the only stipulation being that every planet in the solar system was accounted for, with a fact on each. It is fair to say that all students far surpassed this briefing with some truly exceptional projects completed. Not all classes have covered this topic yet, so if you’re yet to study space then get some inspiration for your project by looking through some of the fantastic efforts from 8Y and 8Z:
Well done Eliza, Billy, Halle, Ali and Matilde!
Year 9 and Year 10 have been less creative but have nonetheless had an excellent first term. The effort in lessons is to be commended, whether this be in preparation for or the beginning of their GCSE studies
Mr Lambert