Show Racism the Red Card
We are delighted to announce the month of November has seen an array of events across the school in order to mark “Show Racism the Red Card”. A charity stemming in grassroots work through the love of football, “Show Racism the Red Card” has been a valuable organisation in providing us with resources to enable students to access a better understanding of racism, the different ways it can take place, and the way it impacts not just individuals but communities including schools.This month we have also had our year group assemblies led by each Head of Year, looking at the anti-bullying theme of “Banter vs Bullying”. As well as this; given the horrific scenes we are witnessing in the Middle East, there has been a spike in Islamophobia and anti-Semitism in the UK and so we are incorporating our EDI curriculum to include form-time sessions on what Islamophobia is and what anti-Semitism is, what they can look like and how to help stamp them out.An important part of the EDI work taking place at KWS is about instilling ally-ship across the whole student body by developing our students’ skills in order to stand up to discrimination in a way that they individually feel confident in.
Annie Khaliq (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Lead)