Science Week
Finally at KWS we have had a British Science Week that has not landed in lockdown!
The Science department have been very busy planning for what has been a hugely enjoyable and informative week for everyone involved: from our first science joke competition to our interactive careers in science session; from learning about scientists as ‘risk takers’ in assembly to twists on regular Period 7 activities (cookie science anyone?); and from building and launching our own mini rockets, to observing mysterious microscopic extremophile creatures called Tardigrades: Science week has been absolutely jam-packed and we look forward to it being even bigger and better next year… (If you feel that you’d be able to contribute an activity or talk to Science week 2023 please do contact Mrs Creamer on
And here is the overall winning Science joke for 2022, submitted by Red M (Y8) and Grace O (Y7)
Q: What do you do with a sick chemist?
A: If you can’t Helium, and you can’t Curium, then you might as well Barium.
(if you don’t ‘get it’, please enjoy testing your KWS student to see if they can explain it to you!)
Other events in Science
Our Year 8s have been extremely busy producing some of the most fantastic model Solar systems over the past few weeks- it’s been an absolute delight to see all the work and effort gone into these Science-Tech-Art masterpieces!
Prior to Science week Year 9 have completed 3 weeks of practical projects where they found out about the pigments in leaves (via chromatography), investigated the transfer of thermal energy (Qu: what happens when you put a coat on a snowman?) and measuring the effects of limiting the volume of oxygen available during the process of combustion.
Next week Year 9 will formally commence studying GCSE content in Science and they also have a talk from a scientist working in the field of Cell Therapies to look forward to (where they’ll learn about immunology and the science of vaccinations).
Mrs Creamer