PE Update
The start of term has already seen a number of sporting activities take place. The opening weeks of the new school year mark the cross country season. On Tuesday we had the MOB race for our new Year 7s. Encouraging performances by all students, with fantastic runs in particular by Thomas B (4th place) and Lucy H (6th place).
Following on from that, we then had our first league fixture for all year groups on Thursday. On a hot afternoon, everyone acquitted themselves well at Townsend School. Thomas C for the Junior boys got the highest placing with an 8th place finish. We look forward to hosting the league fixture next week.
Beyond cross country, we have already started the process of building squads in rugby, netball, basketball and football for the coming year. The turn out and application to these training sessions has been fantastic so far, meaning that selecting teams over the coming months will prove a real challenge. Please note there is no rugby training this Saturday due to Open Day, but it will return the following week.
Finally, we would like you to join us in congratulating the following year 8 boys on making the district football squad after successful trials: Ed J, Thomas C, Jasper B, Theo W and Max S. It is fantastic to see KWS so well represented.
Mr Alexander