MESME Maths Circles
At the beginning of January, a selected group of Year 7 students formed KWS’ first MESME Maths Circle.
MESME is a charity which aims to support high-attaining students to achieve mathematical excellence and a MESME Maths Circle is a small group of students who come together regularly to grapple with intriguing questions, to discover and explore exciting ideas, and to learn to think like advanced mathematicians. The KWS MESME Maths Circle meets weekly during Period 7 with an experienced mentor, appointed by MESME.
During their first session, students explored the properties of numbers with the same sum but different products and considered the mathematics involved in ordering ingredients for huge quantities of soup! These problems prompted in-depth mathematical conversations, with some great questions asked and conjectures made, and the students seemed to be enjoying the challenge.
We look forward to discovering how this enrichment programme will further develop the student’s mathematical reasoning and expand their mathematical curiosity.
Mrs Wall