KWS Sports News
We’ve had an action packed few weeks in PE in the lead up to half term.
Well done to the Year 7 netball team who played their first competitive match versus Marlborough. An unfortunate loss, but lots to take from the game. Player of the match was Abigail W. An amazing set of results for both the 8A and 8B teams versus STAGS. A’s won 11-9 and B’s 16-2. Sophie K and Emily W were identified as the outstanding players in the respective games. The 8B and 9B netball teams also had league matches versus Samuel Ryder. With Maisie and Eden G acknowledged for good game impact.
Congratulations to the 9A netball team who progressed through to the next round of the district cup. An end to end game with Marlborough finishing 15-15 in normal time but 18-15 after extra time to KWS. Player of the match was Bella L. Moreover, well done to our year 9 netball teams in their matches versus STAHS and Beaumont. The girls improved massively throughout each quarter and their resilience and motivation was a credit to themselves and the school. Scarlett M, Rosie H and Isla G each get a mention for putting in particularly impressive performances. A special shoutout to Heidi G too, for her effort and enthusiasm throughout.
Great work from the year 11 netball team versus Marlborough. A 9-9 tie but some great elements of play from the squad. This was then followed up by an excellent win over Beaumont B’s in the district league. Player of the match for both games was identified as Eden A.
Well done to our Years 7-10 rugby squads against our annual fixture against Roundwood. A very impressive performance by our Year 9s, meanwhile Year 10s drew a very tight game. Further valuable experience for our Years 7&8 squads. This was then followed with lots of entertaining rugby by our rugby teams against Sandringham. Year 8 and 9 had very positive performances and big wins, playing some excellent rugby throughout. Year 7s showed a marked improvement and are getting better each game, meanwhile Year 10s battled back after a tough start to the game and showed heart throughout. Then, last Saturday we had a tough set of fixtures against Watford Grammar School for Year 7, 8 and 10. With torrential rain throughout, Year 8s in particular equipped themselves very well with some of the best rugby they have played since forming as a team. We look forward to more fixtures after the half term break.
Cross country
We concluded our cross country season at Verulam in the last few weeks. A top 5 place finish for Lucy H in the junior girls race. It has been great to see so many students competing in the different age groups and improving each week!
Our Year 10 team had a superb win in the district league game versus SJL, scoring 55 points in the process and only having 5 points scored against them. A massive well done and it bodes well for the rest of the season.
For the girls, the U13s had a brilliant first game in the County Cup versus last year’s winners Beaumont. The girls had some great chances, finishing 1-1 in the first half, but unfortunately losing 2-1 by full time. Superb performances in particular from Sophie K and Lucy H, meanwhile the goal scorer was Hannah D.
Well done also to Alice and Lucy in Year 10 for representing Hertfordshire U16s in their match last weekend. It’s great to have KWS representation in county squads this year.
Moving onto the boys, this year we entered two age groups into the National Cup, with both having excellent wins. The Year 8 boys beat Brooklands Middle School 3-0, with 2 goals from Fin J and Thoas also notching.
Meanwhile for the Year 9s, it was a hard fought win away at a very well respected sporting school, Bishop’s Stortford High School. Having gone 2-0 down, the boys overcame setbacks throughout to win and score 7 in the process. There was a valuable hat trick from Ed James, but the whole squad played their part in really digging in and showing character throughout.
Well done to Finlay R in Year 9, who has been selected to represent the Herts U14 tennis team (team of four) at the upcoming 12 counties event at the end of October in Corby. Good luck with this.
Finally, just a reminder that for any football training/lessons, all students must wear shin pads. Have a great half term. We look forward to more sporting action after the holiday.