Philosophy Religion and Ethics
You will be studying the key beliefs and practices of Christianity and Judaism, seeing how these beliefs impact lives and behaviour. You will get the chance to explore and discuss ethical and theoretical concepts that surround these belief systems and engage in thought-provoking debates on topical issues.
Part of the course is studying moral and ethical issues and seeing how different people respond to them. You will not only learn key information that is related to our society but will be able to develop your own ethical thinking on ultimate questions. The course aims to allow you to develop your skills of reasoned argument and be able to confidently justify an opinion while still respecting the views of others.
What is the exam board and specification?
AQA GCSE Religious Studies A – 8062 Exam Board Link
What will you study?
The course is broken up into the study of two religions and a number of ethical/moral themes.
Christianity units are:
Key Christian Beliefs; Jesus & Salvation; Worship & Festivals; the role of the Church in the Community & Worldwide.
Judaism units are:
Key Jewish Beliefs; the Covenant & Mitzvot; the Synagogue & Worship; Family Life & Festivals.
Thematic units are:
Religion & Life; the Existence of God & Revelation; Religion, Peace & Conflict; Religion, Crime & Punishment.
How will you be assessed?
There are 2 exam papers each 1 hour 45 mins long. One exam paper is on Christianity and Judaism, the other exam paper is on the thematic topics.There are 4 sections in each paper and each section consists of 4 styles of question ranging from 1 mark to 12 marks.
What qualities do I need to be successful in the subject?
This course is for all students and allows you to develop essential skills linking to a wide range of other subjects. If you like to engage in current and topical issues and like to think deeply, debate and think critically about issues, this is the course for you. A key skill required for success is the ability to acknowledge or consider different viewpoints, as well as explaining your own view about a topic and being able to justify it.
What future opportunities can I have with this subject?
The subject can be further studied at A-Level and degree level. Typical careers include working in the Civil Service, Law, International Aid, Teaching, the Charitable sector, Government & Politics, Religious Leader, Archivist, Broadcast Journalist, and many more.
Who should I contact for further information?
Speak to your PRE teacher or Mr Hiscock: