Children’s Mental Health Week 6th Feb – 10th Feb
During Children’s Mental Health Week (Monday 6th to the 10th of February), we celebrated the theme of “Let’s Connect.” Throughout the week we ran various activities designed to encourage our students and staff to explore the ways we can make meaningful connections in support of our mental health.
All students explored these ideas in both form time and PSHE lessons during the week.
In Science lessons teachers explained more about the science behind connection. Students were asked to consider why it is so good for our brains to create positive relationships with others. There is a science behind being kind!
Chain of Connection:
In the Library, students contributed to a paper chain of positive connection. Students wrote down positive interactions they had throughout the week to help make our paper chain as long as possible. It is currently displayed in our Library.
Connection Cards:
Every student was given a Connection Card and was challenged to make as many positive connections as possible. We are proud to say that we saw students around the school making efforts to do some of these tasks and 171 students entered themselves into our draw.
Nightingale achieved the most house points (100 points) for entering the highest number of cards, Tesla (75 points) and Franklin (50 points).
Well done to all who took part.
Finally, congratulations to Rebecca R in Year 8 for winning the self care products advertised at the beginning of the week!
Thank you to all members of staff that made the week possible and thank you to the students for making the most of it.
Mrs Aikman