Sports update
Well done to all sports teams this term. There have been a number of standout teams and also individual performances in gymnastics, basketball, netball and football just to name a few.
Last week marked our Inter-House Sports tournaments in football, netball, benchball (due to the weather) and badminton. It was fantastic to see so many students competing for their house and showcasing sporting talent across the school. After all the scores were counted up for all the different sports, congratulations to Nightingale on winning the overall competition, with Franklin finishing second.
Finally in PE, we celebrated Careers Month this month by asking students to design their own sporting activity before delivering and teaching it to another group of students. This developed key skills such as communication, collaboration and also got students to experience how they might cope with behaviour challenges! All groups produced some fantastic activities and also considered how they could adapt the session to make it easier or more challenging. Well done.
We look forward to athletics, cricket and rounders in the summer term.
Mr Alexander