KWS End of Year Exams
Students in Year 7 – 9 will be sitting end of year exams during our exam week Monday 20th June – Friday 24th June. These exams are an opportunity to consolidate knowledge gained throughout the year, practise revision skills, to identify gaps in learning, to show progress in subjects and to experience sitting exams in large groups.
Exam week timetables have been shared with students via their Form’s Google Classroom.
Students have had an assembly from Mr Martin regarding end of year exams, how to prepare and how to look after themselves during this period. We have also produced a KWS Revision guide to support how best to revise. We recommend parents and carers to review these documents with their child.
Preparing for exams Assembly – Students.pdf
Here at Katherine Warington School we try to teach students that revision must be active to be efficient. Many students incorrectly assume that revision means reading through their exercise book or textbook once or twice and that this will be sufficient to remember and understand the detail. Students are currently having a number of Form sessions reviewing the science of revision. Mr Inman has delivered the first session, relating to creating a revision timetable, and his Loom video is available for all to watch Revision Guidance – Step 1
Specific information regarding the content of exams and how students can best prepare for these will be available from individual subject areas in advance of each exam. Staff are only too happy to help with any issues and we recommend students talk to their Teachers, Form Tutor, Head Of Year or the Pastoral Team if they need any support or advice.
Enjoy revising!
Mr Martin