Herts Catering update – January 2022
We would like to congratulate Sampiseth, Chef Manager at Katherine Warington School as a finalist at the Herts Catering Limited (HCL) awards for Chef Manager of the Year 2022. The prestigious awards dinner is held annually and celebrates catering across Hertfordshire. I am sure you will all join me in congratulating him for his hard work and dedication.
We have reduced our CO2 output by combining deliveries. Our butcher, William Whites, deliver to our main supplier allowing us to reduce emissions. HCL is looking for Sustainability Champions at KWS to support recycling, we would like to join the Eco Team onsite and promote Sustainability throughout the school. Pupils will take part in workshops discussing their vision and mission, HCL will support pupils to introduce new ideas onsite.
Upcoming Theme Day – Monday 17th January Martin Luther King Day (Special Menu Attached)