The summer term is shaping up to be a busy and exciting time in the KWS library as it will be for the whole school! We will be running library lessons and students will be completing their reading challenges. There will be celebrations throughout the term which we’ll report on in Book-ish magazine and on social media. We also have more students applying to become student librarians. They will learn new skills to help their peers and the library staff, to run our active library!
New library volunteers
As well as our new student librarians who we will introduce in our next Book-ish magazine, we would like to welcome two new members to the library; Stephen McBride and Ching Yuen.
Stephen is a retired teacher of many years experience and taught some of our staff!
Ching also works as an invigilator and helps out in our attendance department.
Look out for all the latest KWS library news on X and Instagram @kwschoollibrary and you can see our Book-ish magazine issues on