Library Update
Firstly, a reminder that the students always have access to their eLibrary and that all books in the library are also available to be borrowed for the holidays. If they take them out now, they won’t be due back until January and we have some really wonderful new books available. If they are in Year 7 and 8, they can also keep recording their reads for their reading challenges – nothing better that curling up with a book on a cold and snowy (or perhaps, more realistically, rainy) December day!
Last week, in year 7 library lessons, we ran a book spine poetry competition. This involved the students searching the library to pick books whose titles could go together to make a poem. We were very impressed with how hard all the students worked and the brilliant poems they produced. It was very hard to choose our top three but congratulations to Dexter R, Harris MM, Tom F and Jayden JB; Martha H, Evie T and Izzy H; and, Emma M, Emily W and Melissa N – your poems were our top three, so you win a prize and your poems will be displayed up in the library in the new year.
Finally, last week we also ran a wonderful lunchtime crafting session. Students from across the school came at lunchtime to help decorate our library for Christmas and we were very impressed by how responsibly they worked.
Happy Christmas!
The Library