Attendance Review and Absence Reporting
As a school, we place great importance on attendance and expect that all our students will achieve an attendance level of at least 96% each academic year.
It is through good attendance that students maximise their full potential, enhancing their life chances for the future. Missing school means missing out on learning and this can have an impact on a child’s development and attainment.
There is a strong statistical link between attendance and attainment. Studies show that students who have patterns of poor school attendance could fail to achieve their full potential and this can have a detrimental impact on their GCSE results.
Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school regularly and punctually.
We review attendance regularly and have an attendance procedure we follow based on each student’s attendance percentage. The process begins once a student reaches less than 96% attendance.
We strongly urge parents/carers to avoid booking holidays during term time. We appreciate there may be exceptional circumstances behind a request for leave. If this is the case, you should give a detailed explanation as to why it is necessary for you to take your child out of school by completing this form and sending it to where it will be forwarded to Mr Smith for his consideration.
If you feel you would like support with your child’s attendance or wellbeing, please do not hesitate to contact the school. Since opening in September 2019, we have supported a number of students whose circumstances, special educational needs or mental health have impacted their attendance.
We like to work with children and families on an individualised basis and have had success in supporting a number of students to improve their attendance in challenging circumstances.
Absence Reporting
If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, urgent appointments or other
reasons please telephone the 24hr school absence line on 01582 314800 or
email by 8.30am at the latest, on the first day of
absence and every subsequent day thereafter
● Please provide your child’s name and tutor group
● Please give as much detail as possible for the reason of absence avoiding using
terms such as ‘unwell’ or ‘under the weather’
● If you fail to contact the school to inform us of your child’s absence, this may
be referred to our safeguarding team
Where possible, please give plenty of notice for any planned absence, for example
hospital appointments, and provide a copy of any medical/dental appointment
letters/cards to the school. We would appreciate all dental and non-urgent doctor
appointments being made out of school hours.
Click here for more information
Grace Aikman
Assistant Headteacher